Leonardo Gifted School is partner or member of: ECHA - European Council for High Ability, WCGTC - World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, AERO - Alternative Education Resource Organization, BPLUSA - Big Picture Learning Design USA, University of Bucharest - Faculty of Phychology and Educational Sciences, University of Connecticut - Neag School of Education, Simon Fraser University - Faculty of Education
Camelia Moise is a primary and preschool teacher and facilitator. With an extensive experience of working with children since 1999 including as an English teacher – grades V-VIII (1999-2001) • Nordic Pedagogy Certification – Via University College Denmark (2012-2015) • Learning facilitator at the Centrul Gifted Education for gifted children, since 2015 • Master in Psychology – Early Childhood Education – University of Bucharest (2013-20115) • Expert Trainer Early Education, Child Psychology, Child Perspective (2013-2021) • Expert Trainer Bucharest Educational Center – Music, Nordic Pedagogy, Parental Counselor (2016-2021) • Psychopedagogy in Early Education Romanian-Danish Center for Integrated Education (2012-2019), and much more.
“I always come here with pleasure, I enjoy every stage with the satisfaction of a positive experience, a challenge of perpetual professional enrichment: working with gifted children gives me opportunities at a high level of reflection, introspection, continuous study to meet their needs and expectations. I believe that my professional skills combined with the adoration for art, nature, music, can create an environment conducive to learning, experimenting, living, exploring for gifted children; considering the initiative and perspective of the child as very important, its autonomy and independence, at Leonardo Gifted School I can facilitate the transformation of any context, formal or informal, into multi-level learning and development situations for gifted children.” Read more about her.
Daniela-Elena works with gifted children at Leonardo Gifted School because she sees in each little one an inexhaustible source of creativity and intelligence. “I am inspired by their tireless energy to explore, learn and solve complex challenges. In this community, I aim to create a space where these children feel understood, supported and encouraged to pursue their passions, thus turning their potential into extraordinary achievements.”
As a teacher, I share my knowledge of language, literature and culture. As an aerobics and yoga instructor, I promote an active and healthy lifestyle. Combining my two passions, I have developed communication and motivational skills to inspire people to reach their full potential in both areas. I am dedicated to education and health, thus contributing to the holistic development of individuals.
Starting 2023 Daniela is a Teacher of Romanian Language and Literature in Primary and Secondary Education and in training for a specialization in Fitness & Aerobic Instructor; Personal Trainer; Specialization in Functional Training. Master’s student (Literary Studies) at the Faculty of Literature, University of Bucharest. Graduate of the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Literature, Romanian-French Language, graduate of the psycho-pedagogical module level I and level II (in progress) Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest and graduate of the National College “Central School”. Followed for 2 years permanent training in differentiated psycho-pedagogy at the Centrul Gifted Education.
Constantin Nicolau works with gifted children at Leonardo Gifted School for a year almost. He has an extensive experience with children, and is a long-time facilitator, with more than 10 years of differentiated curriculum expertise, with gifted.
“What motivates me and what does it mean to work with gifted children? Working with gifted children means nothing more than working with the gifted child. Inside of me. Inside of anyone. To discover the child, to listen to him, to challenge him, to respect him, to cherish him. To follow him.
What makes this place extraordinary and how do I make this place extraordinary? The place is not extraordinary in itself. It becomes extraordinary through the intention that has allocated this space to meetings between potentials and kinetics. I call “potentials” those minds in formation (gifted children, although this also includes any honest facilitator), willing to access a higher personal truth, in a process that resembles removing overlapping layers of an onion, in search of the essential. I call “kinetic” the possessor of that psychic system that manages to convert the entire potential into act, appropriate to the present moment. Anyone who is a spectator of such a creative moment develops a passion for this way of living. I myself am a potential that becomes kinetic. When we are in front of children, we are becoming their witnesses.”
Constantin followed a 10 year period of permanent training in differentiated psycho-pedagogy at the Centrul Gifted Education.
Gabriela is a clinical psychologist, a graduate of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences – Bucharest University, with a Master’s in Experiential Psychotherapy and personal development and training in Hypnotherapy and Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy. Gabriela has the right to free practice certified by the CPR – Romanian College of Psychologists. She has been working with children and adults in private practice for over 19 years. Gabriela Cosma is also an electronics engineer, a graduate of the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, with over 10 years of experience in project management. Gabriela followed a Master in Business Administration at the Open University – obtaining a Professional Diploma in Management. Gabriela attended multiple internal and international personal development courses: Landmark Forum, Event Wise, David Shephard, Communication courses – Allan Kleynhans. As a psychologist at Centrul Gifted Education, Gabriela has multiple roles in the selection process of children who will participate in the programs developed by the team: testing with the WISC IV – the most reputable test for discovering cognitive abilities in children, testing children with SON -R – the most current intelligence assessment tool (non-verbal) for children from 2.5 years to 7 years and last but not least, the group behavioral assessment of children. Gabriela is also actively involved in the education process, contributing with her rich experience in multiple fields to facilitate the learning processes of gifted children. Gabriela believes that the future of this planet is represented by children and that we can have a better future if we help them discover and explore their still undiscovered resources. Gabriela supports children to overcome their biggest emotional and social challenges through Individual Education Plans, through programs, counseling and testing addressed to children and parents in the Parenting School. Click for more
“I am Corina Suciu, a lover of beauty, joy and understanding. For me, personal development has always been important, being through my profession, a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, alongside those who have processed their talents and qualities to become strong, integral, better people. The learning process is and remains my basic guide, so my first specialization is in the economic field, also completing a master’s degree in Project Management. The sincere interest in knowing more about the human soul and the developmental levels of the human psyche led me to complete a training in Systemic Couple and Family Psychotherapy and the master’s program in Psychodiagnosis, Unifying Experiential Psychotherapy (PEU) and Personal Development.
I am part of this team to contribute alongside my colleagues to a moral, more beautiful world, for children who want to develop more, who enjoy discovering their true potential, who are here to become better versions of themselves. It seems extremely important to me to plant the seeds of the future now, alongside these gifted children who grow up alongside a wonderful team, meant to support, discover and assist their individual evolution. I am happy to be with parents and children to support the process of personal development of each person. In all sectors of my life, in trips with friends in nature, at cultural events or with loved ones, I plant around me the same seeds of trust, curiosity, hope and courage, which I am happy to be able to share every day.”