Leonardo Gifted School is partner or member of: ECHA - European Council for High Ability, WCGTC - World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, AERO - Alternative Education Resource Organization, BPLUSA - Big Picture Learning Design USA, University of Bucharest - Faculty of Phychology and Educational Sciences, University of Connecticut - Neag School of Education, Simon Fraser University - Faculty of Education

The standard education does not fit your high IQ child needs? 

In our school every child learns at his very own speed and has an individual educational plan. What you see in the pictures are gifted kids who pursued their photo interest and graduated a very hands-on class with Lucian Calugarescu, architect and photographer. Leonardo Gifted School is a unique school designed to serve the needs of gifted from 3 to 12 years old.

How to apply

For Whom is Leonardo?

Leonardo is for the gifted children between 3 and 12 who cannot perform at their true value in the existing schools. We understand that gifted children first need a proper balance between their high IQ (over 130) and their EQ (usually lower than the IQ) and then they will be able to perform at their own speed. Leonardo is for the gifted children who are currently looking for alternatives to the standard education. We know how to make learning interesting, full of joy and really effective.

What else is possible? You don’t need to go through the pain of the traditional school in order to realize your potential. You can be free to do it from the beginning. And be among friends, children like you.

Is your child gifted? Here are 12 signs.
Come to an IQ testing

WHY Leonardo? Different is great!

We are committed to make your child happy by learning, using innovative teaching methods.

Here is how:
* We work on the perspective of the gifted, not the system.The children are the vectors, and the teachers are facilitators because we follow the perspective of the children. So children are fully involved in the learning process.

* Human Intensive. 4+ learning specialists assigned to work with a group of 15 kids because they need constant feedback and learn at different speed
* Enrichment and Kinest Enrichment gives your child the chance to experiment exactly what he wants to explore in one place; 3 sessions of Kinest every day; this will balance brain hemispheres and develop body intelligence. Kinest is an assigned school teacher to work body intelligence so that your kid integrates his mind to his body

* We work in nature  so that your kid at 5 o’clock has taken the weather in his life and made enough movement to come home and get the necessary rest with you

* An Individual Educational Plan per child is closely followed by the Director of Education and the parents because every child is responsilble to learn at the minimum every subject, but he can easily out-perform in several fields of interest. Parents and children are all aware and negociate these objectives, which simply suit real needs. Here in the picture you see a child with a paper where there are written out her specific competencies she worked on and were acquired in a year. We do not teach for exams, we facilitate children’s learning to become consciously competent of their strong and weak areas from an early age and develop intensively their interests and passions. So that later they can become adults with a sense of ownership of what they want to do with their own life.

Read more about what makes us really different


What Do Children Achieve?

Even one week in our environment could change the life of your child! So it would be a tremendous opportunity for a gifted to work in a differentiated environment every day, without interruptions, with peers.

Improved EQ

  • how to take decisions and negociate
  • team work & more

Use at true value their IQ

  • how to think outside the box (De Bono‘s lessons)
  • how to evaluate their own performance and develop a flexibile self-reflexive mind
  • how to learn as they usually do not have effective learning techniques
  • divergent thinking (generate creative ideas by exploration) & more

Long term

  • Autonomy in the learning process
  • Increased self-esteem 

School Transfer and What’s next

  • Children learning in our environment are resilient to go and pursue state schools or private schools / universities later
  • Children can come to our organization for more, like volunteering, internships and specialized programs for gifted like bootcamps when they grow
  • Cambridge Pathway tests, Cambridge IGCSE, or GCSE 2 A-level gives them access to school equivalence
    Learn more here

School Timeline

16 September: school starts
Ongoing – applications are open (6 stages of selection) for Leonardo Gifted School for the new headquarters in the middle of the city, near Unirii – Alba Iulia.


Admission Process

6 Steps Selection

Step 1: IQ test, WISC IV / SON-R
Step 2: Behavioural Evaluation with Psychologist Commission
Step 3: Interview of the Parents with the Psychologist and Counsellor

(click to see all steps)

School Location

Leonardo Gifted School will open its doors in a new, ultra-central space (Unirii-Alba Iulia area), on Delea Nouă street, number 40, sector 3. We are excited and grateful to be able to offer the children a suitable space: large rooms and large and bright windows, solid wood flooring and very good quality furniture.The space is versatile and allows open-space activities, with a minimum of furniture, versatile, ergonomic, and light. The space is oriented to the east with an enviable brightness. According to research, especially natural light and perspective are major factors of children’s school performance in the development of cognitive, behavioral and visual skills. Playground in the yard and 2 playgrounds nearby, 3 minutes by minibus from the National Park / Voinicelul sports base / or 18 minutes on foot, means a daily increase in children’s movement in nature with KINEST, the facilitator responsible for “Embodiment”, movement for body, mind, soul. At Leonardo, we consider nature education to be the key to the balanced development of the gifted child.

Who Are We?

Monica Gheorghiu, MBA linkedin

15 years experience in gifted education, Monica is Leonardo‘s Principal.
As the Project manager of Centrul Gifted Education, she contributed significanty to defining the first and only Romanian law on the special needs of gifted children, Law 17/2007. Mensa UK member.



We have the highest expertise in working with gifted and their families in Romania. Throughout the past 15 years we accumulated more than 4800 hours of direct work with the gifted children, more than 4500 children IQ tested at international standards and more than 390 children graduated the organization’s weekend academic program.


Florian Colceag, PhD

International expert in gifted education supports Leonardo Gifed School and will be one of the mentors

Florian Colceag, also named „the geniuses‘ coach“, owns a PhD in economics, a world record of 84 medals at international maths contests with the students he trained, specialist in math modling theories.

Our Mentors

(authentic personalities, teachers of Enrichment classes)

Up and Running Educational Projects

by Centrul Gifted Education
(great ways to interact with the mentors of Leonardo Gifted Schol)

Gifted Family Camp
click for details

Academic Program School of Excellence
(weekend program for gifted children, Oct – May)
click for details

What Parents Say about Our Up and Running Programs

(Academic Program, Bright Summer School and Gifted Family Camp)

“The most important thing Stefan learned at this school is how to analyze a situation and make a decision. My boy gets in contact easier with other children.”



“Horia had a significant evolution. He learnt especially tolerance and acceptance of others. Language development is one of the most important skills developed.”


“I have learnt to listen to my child and how to better communicate from child to parent and vice versa. He works much better and is more responsible.


14 years gifted education expertise
363 graduates
4000 IQ tests performed
4500 hours hands on work with gifted
100% satisfaction rate with gifted kids
Not-for profit. We make no compromise to our admission criteria