Leonardo Gifted School is partner or member of: ECHA - European Council for High Ability, WCGTC - World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, AERO - Alternative Education Resource Organization, BPLUSA - Big Picture Learning Design USA, University of Bucharest - Faculty of Phychology and Educational Sciences, University of Connecticut - Neag School of Education, Simon Fraser University - Faculty of Education
Gifted means that the child is mentally wired in a different way, so has different needs and he/she needs a differentiated education.
And we are here to serve them. To help the gifted children feel good in their own skin and challenged. We use different teaching strategies which adapt the curriculum quantitatively as well as qualitatively (rhythm, learning interests, learning styles). These include a wide variety of advanced-level learning, promoting the use of higher order thinking skills, making the learning experience more enjoyable, relevant and engaging.
How do we make our children feel great
We provide an environment where children can feel good for who they are. The environment is fun, creative and based on freedom of expression. Each student is encouraged based on clear rules and rights to come up with initiative (which include changing the rules), to get involved in his/her own process of development. We don’t encourage and do not use competition as a means of speeding children towards some goal. „You are not in competition with anyone else. This is you, and you are free.” We do emphasise this during the day-to-day interactions, and we let children indeed feel free to be themselves. If they think and act differently, we are all here to act and think differently, teachers and staff, all alike. We have the mindset to make everyone feel secure for their questions, enquiries, feelings, and all interests. This is the right setting which allows everyone to feel all right by being themselves. This is one of the greatest general settings which offers empathy, openness, and a mindset to tolerate differences and appreciate and admire diversity – which in turn, in time, consolidates into a resilient personality able to cope well within the self and with all that life provides.