Leonardo Gifted School is partner or member of: ECHA - European Council for High Ability, WCGTC - World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, AERO - Alternative Education Resource Organization, BPLUSA - Big Picture Learning Design USA, University of Bucharest - Faculty of Phychology and Educational Sciences, University of Connecticut - Neag School of Education, Simon Fraser University - Faculty of Education
for children 3 to 12 years old
(Evaluation mind map here)
After the Stage 1 is passed there are 5 more stages, involving the child and the parents, and they are explained in detail below. The complexity of the process allows the parents, the child, and our team to see each other from different perspectives and get more understanding and get to know a friendly approach. Also, we are here to make available our observations and our recommendations. From our experience, the fact that parents can ask any questions and gain a better understanding of what their child needs are, as well as gain some knowledge about what gifted education really is, help them to get more involved into what the school is meant, a partnership of parents and our team. Parents gain appropriate resources and get a vision about what appropriate support is best for their child, considering a holistic view of the child’s emotional, social, academic development, which is of utmost importance in the whole process.
_____________________________________________________________________STAGE 1: WISC IV International Test (score 130 or higher) or SON-R International Test
WISC-IV (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – 4th Edition) assesses cognitive abilities (IQ) for children from 6 to 16 years and 11 months old.
WISC IV is the most reputed international test, latest edition, validated and normed on the Romanian population of children started with 6 to 16 and 11 months, approved by COPSI – the Romanian College of Psychologists. It generates a Full Scale IQ (FSIQ) which represents overall intellectual ability. There are 4 composite scores of WISC IV are Verbal Comprehension index (VCI), Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI), Processing Speed Index (PSI), and Working Memory Index (WMI). Read more on wiki.
The cost
The test costs RON 560. Pay online (click here) or by bank transfer (see details at the end of the page), send an sms to +40729 029 484 making note of your payment and an email to admissions @ leonardoschool.ro. We will contact you in 48 h.
SON-R (Snijders-Oomen Nonverbaler Intelligenztest) assesses cognitive abilities (IQ) in children from 2.5 to 7 years old.
SON-R is the most actual international test to keep a balance on the rapport of usefulness requirements to temporal and special requirements in assessing intelligence in children from age 2.5 to 7. An undeniable advantage is that it benefits from non-verbal administration, so by default, there is the possibility of testing the intelligence regardless of the child’s language skills! It is synonym to WISC IV – the most famous international for the discovery of cognitive intelligence that can be applied to children 6+ years old. It has a shorter administration of about 1 h. It is validated and normed on the Romanian population of children started with 2 and months to 7 years old, approved by COPSI – the Romanian College of Psychologists. Read more on Wiki.
The cost
The test costs RON 550. Pay online (click here) or by bank transfer (see details at the end of the page), send an sms to +40729 029 484 making note of your payment and an email to admissions @ leonardoschool.ro. We will contact you in 48 h.
What if your child has already taken the test?
If your child has passed an international test such as WISC IV/ SON-R – you can apply to us by sending the scanned test by email to admissions [ at ] leonardoschool.ro, along with a processing fee of 35 EUR (approx. 170 lei). Please click here for the online payment option of the processing fee.
Final Selection (STAGES 2-6)
The cost for the Final Evaluation is RON 750, payable through Euplatesc: click here.
The benefits of entering the Final Selection
We understand the counselling needs of the parents. Based on our experience with hundreds of parents we saw how one of the greatest direct benefits of the selection is our approach when the parents receive along with a multitude of information, and insights, also the specialist couselling on what is the best interest of the child, based on the child’s needs.
We know this is of immense added value in the life of both the parents and the child. We believe this is the best approach for a selection which has in mind the purpose of placing the child as the central focus and in meeting the needs of the child, and not any other way around.
The parents are then able to take the best informed decision. Sometimes the child needs more the care of a psychotherapist for personal work with his deep wounds, which were acquired over the course of time, due to mistreatment to his inner nature (see the Drama of the Gifted Child by Alice Miller) and less the challenge of working together in a dynamic school environment. After the specific intervention, the child can reenter the evaluation.
What happens after?
If the result indicates your child has special needs of education and a giftedness profile (WISC IV over 130) we will invite you early on by email / sms (in maximum 10 days after the receipt of the Stage 1 test result) to enroll into the Behavioral Evaluation and Parental Counseling.
STAGE 2: Behavioral Evaluation
STAGE 3: Specialist counseling on the needs of the child
Parental Counseling with specialists, based on the application file, in order to meet the child’s special needs.It represents structured feedback with a admission sheet offered by a clinical psychologist to the parents, based on the data accumulated in the selection and following the behaviors seen unfolding during the group evaluation by the specialist commission.
It takes 15-20 minutes.
Only the parents are involved.
STAGE 4: Motivational interview of the parents
Parents shall follow a stage where they are invited to show their capacity and motivation to support the necessary development of their child.This stage is paramount in the process because the availability of the parenthood to show support of their child in this process is considered by our school the means to a real success based on a partnership between our school and the family as a whole.
STAGE 5: Qualitative Assessment or Motivational interview of the child in group and individual
Inspired by reputed international psychologists, the approach to know the real Self of the child is an interview in a familiar place, most indicated, at the child’s home with the Director of Leonardo Gifted School. It is a relational and experiential process which aims to facilitate the deeper understanding of the children, with no pressure for achievement, or results, and create the necessary nurturing for them to show up more fully who they are. Children are further invited to work themselves out on our special team building, in a group setting, (getting to know each other, relationships, discovery and self-discovery) and to prove their motivation and capacity to get through their personal contribution, their values, abilities and aptitudes, a real plus for the other children in our school.
STAGE 6: Parental Workshop
Our team wants to get to know you as an individual. We will be working together side by side in the Parental school, and from experience we know, when parents dedicate time and enthusiasm, the child develops faster and integrates better with the class. The opposite is also true.
***************************************End of Evaluation ****************************
In order to apply for WISC IV, please submit 560 lei using the Online Payment option (or see below other options available):
Online Payment
If you want to enroll for the international tests, you can enroll through Euplatesc.ro secure online payments
Transfer to Bank Account
Please download and fill in the sponsorship contract (dowload it from here).
Transfer the necessay amount our bank account: Centrul Gifted Education, Fiscal Code: 30151382, IBAN (RON): RO71 BACX 0000 0008 0559 5000, Banca Unicredit Tiriac Bank, Drumul Taberei branch, Details for payment: sponsorship.
What’s next?
After the sponsorship, please send an sms to +40729 029 484 making note of your payment and an email to admissions@leonardoschool.ro (if you paid by bank transfer, please send us a copy of the sponsorship contract as well). You will be contacted in maximum 48 h and receive the details for making an appointment for an in-house testing with one of our licensed psychologists. The testing takes place in Bucharest, at Centrul Gifted Education at Delea Noua 40, sector 3, Bucharest, at a convenient time and date agreed on both sides, parent and clinical psychologist.