Leonardo Gifted School is partner or member of: ECHA - European Council for High Ability, WCGTC - World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, AERO - Alternative Education Resource Organization, BPLUSA - Big Picture Learning Design USA, University of Bucharest - Faculty of Phychology and Educational Sciences, University of Connecticut - Neag School of Education, Simon Fraser University - Faculty of Education


Annual Tuition & Fees

Tuition and taxes

For the school year. Check also below Tuition After School Care/ Lunch / FinAid.

faq about the school

Pre-Primary and primary daily 8.30 am Until 5 pm  Enrichment (Accelerator) & Parental School included
ages 3-12+ Annual tuition 9,200 EUR. First 60 children enrolled annual tuition 6,800 EUR details here.
+ Optional Lunch and Meal Breaks per year 1000 EUR
+ Optional Transport @ end of day, per year, 700 EUR
Pre-Primary and primary daily 8.30 am Until 12:30 pm Parental School included
ages  3-12+ Annual tuition 6,500 EUR + Optional Lunch and Meal Breaks per year 1000 EUR + Optional Transport @ end of day, per year, 700 EUR



50% payment on enrollment
the rest of the payment is due every month, starting September, until June, every year.
 ** Leonardo Gifted School can receive sponsorships from companies, based on agreed-upon financial terms which can cover up to 100% if paid in advance by June each year.
 ** Leonardo Gifted School provides an installment plan to selected parents who need financial assistance. If interested, please contact us at admissions @ leonardoschool.ro
 ** We reserve the right to select our children according to our School Admissions’ Policy.

What you need to know about your investment


Every year, in each class, there is the plan to offer the “Anatolie Gheorghiu Scholarship for 1 child from the Republic of Moldavia.
In order to apply for this scholarship:
1. The child & parents have to go entirely through our selection process and be successful – please read on our website about our selection process
2. Show a strong motivation and be able to attend according to our class schedule and respect the scholarship contract / rules/ regulations

“Scholarships” are offered in a Pay it Forward System

Based on merit, and social need, there shall be a limited number of scholarships “Anatolie Gheorghiu”. The scholarships are offered to children who are very motivated, show a great interest in our education, and a full commitment of the parents to get involved into the parental training program, as well as embrace our Pay it forward philosophy, while also being nationals of the Republic of Moldavia. The parents understand as their own value adding process their own counter involvement through parental volunteer work or barters, so that the consciousness of the value offer is indeed met and the central concept of the school, inspired by the Pay it Forward book, respected.
In order to apply for a Scholarship, you need to go through our selection process. If you intend to apply for the scholarship, we advise you to write to us one year in advance, to admissions@leonardoschool.ro.

After you receive a positive answer to our yearly selection process, a set of documents based on our Scholarship Policy shall be sent for the parents’ reference, and they need to be completed and sent back to our Bursar before the due term. In case they are not submitted in due time, the place is lost and offered in the order of application to the next successful candidate.

If there are no applicants in a year or a group, based on the same process and motivation (social need, merit and motivation both of the child and parents), the scholarship shall be awarded to child/children from Romania.

Tuition After School Care (5 pm to 6 pm or 5 pm to 7 pm for primary ages)

All Ages – 700 EUR per year for Adult Supervision per one hour, or 800 per two hours.
A contract between the parent/ guardian and us is signed as the complete financial understanding between the two parties.
For more information please email us at: admissions@leonardoschool.ro.


For anyone interested in healthy food for their child, we recommend our Lunch with Yearly Costs = 1,000 EUR.
All lunches and meals are cooked by a selected certified partner based on the recommendations of a nutritionist. We will be close to you, with any allergy or special diet for your kids, if needed.

Financial Aid

We believe in accessibility and diversity. A limited number of students can also apply for more flexible payment plans.