Leonardo Gifted School is partner or member of: ECHA - European Council for High Ability, WCGTC - World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, AERO - Alternative Education Resource Organization, BPLUSA - Big Picture Learning Design USA, University of Bucharest - Faculty of Phychology and Educational Sciences, University of Connecticut - Neag School of Education, Simon Fraser University - Faculty of Education



We are an association able of receiving donations. This means you, as a company, a parent, or as a visionary citizen, can support the gifted children’s education through international or national sponsorship.

Are You a Visionary Citizen?

Here are a few ways you can support creating the first school for gifted children in Romania:

  • Redirect 3.5% of your income tax as an employee (until May 25th 2023). Click here to download 230 form or 200 form (230 for salary income only, 200 for salary and/or other revenues). It’s very easy to fill it in; after filling it in please send it to us to Centrul Gifted Education, street Delea Noua 40, sector 3, Bucharest. We can help you fill in the forms if you email us contact@leonardoschool.ro.
  • Donate 100 lei online by card through EuPlatesc platform (Banca Transilvania)

  • Donate 500 lei online by card through EuPlatesc platform (Banca Transilvania)

  • Wire transfer any amount into the school’s bank account RO 44 BACX 0000 0008 0559 5001 Unicredit Tiriac Bank, Drumul Taberei.
  • Recommend us a visionary company that could redirect without cost 20% of their tax on profit; write us at contact@leonardoschool.ro
  • Buy Donated art by visionary artists from all over the world from Taiwan to USA through the generosity of «D.F.E.W.A.» – Stuttgart in Pay it Forward tribute.
  • Online donations through PayPal


Are You the Owner or Manager of a Visionary Company?

You can support creating the first school for gifted children in Romania.

  • Redirect without cost any trimester 20% of your tax on profit (the amount should not be more than 0.75% of your turnover). You may dowload the contract here(legal base: The Romanian Fiscal Code, Title 2, Chapter II, art. 21, paragraph 4 says: “Companies making sponsorships or mecena acts according to the Law 32/1994 on sponsorship and further amendments can deduct from the tax on profit the sums within the limits of: 5 to a thousand from the gross turnover, 20% on tax on profit due to the state. Whichever of the two sums is smaller, can be tax deducted and directed at no cost for you to a nonprofit).
  • Donate any amount into the school’s bank account RO 44 BACX 0000 0008 0559 5001 Unicredit Tiriac Bank, Drumul Taberei. You may download the contract here.
  • Are you considering any other form of help? Please write us at contact@leonardoschool.ro

flyer leonardo oct 2016-07

The spirit of Money

Over the time we have acquired a special understanding on what money is: just an energy which flows naturally, and abundantly. Just like the universe, we are all abundant, and we just need to realize in consciousness our own.

By being able to let it flow, it can bring like a river, new and new energy into your own life, or your organization’s life. Starting with the knowledge of the wealthiest man on earth, Solomon, who opened his consciousness to a larger plane of abundance and asked to serve the others, kings were coming to offer to him their wealth, because wealth in his hands, was flowing to those who needed it more, so kings from all over the world gave freely, and abundantly, to perfect the law of love and abundance. This made Solomon the richest man on earth, to a glory and a life beyond imagination.  [reference to the Book: Life of Masters from Extreme Orient, author: Baird Spalding]

If you love, you will give.

The Facts

There are more than 300 Mil Eur. yearly in the Romanian economy alone, which are tax deductible from your business. So did you know you can direct 20% of your tax on profit on each Trimester, to support a social cause, with no extra costs for you?

The Romanian Fiscal Code, Title 2, Chapter II, art. 21, paragraph 4 says: “Companies making sponsorships or mecena acts according to the Law 32/1994 on sponsorship and further amendments can deduct from the tax on profit the sums within the limits of: 5 to a thousand from the gross turnover, 20% on tax on profit due to the state. Whichever of the two sums is smaller, can be tax deducted and directed at no cost for you to a nonprofit.

This attitude can provide the necessary blood into the social economy, which brings enormous benefits and a highly needed social change in a state like Romania.

Download here our sponsorship contract.

In your own benefit, we invite you to apply the principle of The Open Hand.
Because good things happen when you open your hand and let the wealth to bestow onto others, which will return the wealth implicitly in both your business and your life.
You will notice that prosperity is when you can change the world by investing in the people you want to have near, close, or you may want to work together sometime in the future. Some youth divinely interprets emotions and captivates you with a song, or a young woman paints to take your breath away, while a little mathematician amazes you with her new theory of neural networks……The more open you are, the more your business will prosper, because generosity shown to people seeking new potentials attracts inspiring people in your life. It is this attitude that brings the like into your life.
The public appreciates those who are visionary and passionately love those who promote worthiness, goodness, inspiration, creativity, humanity.
Closed hands do no good. You cannot give or receive anything with a closed fist. The open hand, on the contrary, offers a wave of confidence, generating new opportunities, prosperity and inspiring generations of people.
Choose to help your children!
