Leonardo Gifted School is partner or member of: ECHA - European Council for High Ability, WCGTC - World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, AERO - Alternative Education Resource Organization, BPLUSA - Big Picture Learning Design USA, University of Bucharest - Faculty of Phychology and Educational Sciences, University of Connecticut - Neag School of Education, Simon Fraser University - Faculty of Education
Enrichment includes activities in extracurricular time developed with Mentors.
The value added opportunity of gifted children directly working with mentors is invaluable.
Leonardo Gifted School starts with the children who are eager to develop and to learn about their potential. They have an IQ over 130, tested with WISC IV/SON-R.
How do we develop the Enrichment?
We develop an enriched curriculum which is based on tailor-made curriculum which is oriented on the needs and interests of the current cohort of children. In order to develop an individualised curricula we work with counsellors and psychologists to develop an outline of the current state of child development and current needs, where the child is involved, and has a definitive say. We involve directly the child in the selection and matching with the mentors, and also in selecting the subject the child will pursue. The child is counseled to know his interests, passions and goals in life, from an early age.
We know that we work with a population of children to have mostly:
Our plan is to always be able to offer them:
in order to engage their cognitive intelligence more support in developing:
in order to engage their emotional intelligence more support in developing:
Just for example, we have found out that most of the kids in their age group this year are kinaesthetic, and tactile, but we also have visual spatial and auditory-sequential learning style. And their biggest vulnerabilities were their high emotivity, high sensitivity, and their impulsivity.
So our enriched curriculum focused on 4 main dimensions:
Our focus of all the curriculum, which includes Enrichment, is to build life attitudes, abilities and skills, not merely knowledge. We believe our main drive is to empower kids to have a positive self-image and leverage in all life situations based on their intuition, gut feelings, heart, self-motivation and strong belief in themselves.
Where can I find the list of activities provided in the Enrichment Program?
The Opportunities provided by the Enrichment change every year, and they respect the nature of the needs, interests, passions of the children in that year, or that specific age group.
A list of the activities provided during the Enrichment can be consulted here.