Leonardo Gifted School is partner or member of: ECHA - European Council for High Ability, WCGTC - World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, AERO - Alternative Education Resource Organization, BPLUSA - Big Picture Learning Design USA, University of Bucharest - Faculty of Phychology and Educational Sciences, University of Connecticut - Neag School of Education, Simon Fraser University - Faculty of Education

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Meet our Ambassadors

What the Ambassadors are saying

Do you believe every child should have the right to receive education at the level of their abilities? Do you believe children with high ability, gifted children should receive differentiated education? Do you remember how you felt when you were a child and how poor you felt when you had no friends to play with and NONE TO SHARE your passion, ideas, thoughts, and inner turmoil? If you want to become an Ambassador for the cause of Gifted Children to represent them at international level, then write us at contact [at ] leonardoschool.ro. We need your voice. Education is sculpture in the brain.

Most people understand perfectly that is truly a tragedy for a mind of 8 years to be in a body of 16 years old. But we do not understand that it is possible to have a mind of 16 years old imprisoned in a body of eight years. Paul Ardeleanu, The Ambassador of the Center, 25 years old, Public Speaker

One of the world’s greatest Entrepreneur, Forbes, once said that upon our children and how they are taught, rests the fate or fortune of tomorrow’s world. Intuition and inspiration is the key to creativity that unlocks a child’s true potential. No one has been able to tap into the soul of a gifted child that is filled with magical genius and a treasure that is waiting to be discovered. I would like to endorse my complete support to the gifted children of Romania – Vik Sainadh, MSc. MBA, Alumni, Kellogg School of Management, Kellogg Leadership Board Founding Member; Former Member of Council of Agencies Serving South Asians


A commendable initiative that brings us closer to normality! Special children need special support and investment in education is probably one of the most profitable possible … “If you think education is expensive, then try ignorance- Andy McIntyre – Ana Glavce, HR Manager, TNT Romania


I support this project with strength and joy, as part of transforming the Romanian educational system. I appreciate that it is particularly appropriate to be put in effect now, at a time when we expect to mark the beginning of the process of adaptive change in education in Romania.dr. ing. mat. Marian StaŞ, MPA — President, CODECS  Foundation for Leadership


I appreciate this school as more than appropriate and necessary because it gives those interested a beneficial alternative with a triple role: selection and identification of gifted children to enter primary school, identification of the specific skills of each child and their development in the desired direction, the promotion of concepts such as “gifted child”, “quality” and “excellent” in our country. For all these potential benefits – but also for its credibility and its promoters in Romanian society – I support it and recommend it especially suitable for financing by those individuals and companies for whom communism is a utopian egalitarianism among others. – Prof.univ.dr.ing.Nicolae Dragulanescu, General Secretary– Romanian Foundation for Quality Promotion


What educates them, firsthand, is not what we tell them, but who we are – Dragos Nicolaescu, Coach, Entrepreneur


These children need our help and trust to be able to realize their dreams and through that to help us live a more beautiful future. How poor would we be without Mozart, Baudelaire, Maria Tanase, Mircea Eliade, Aurel Vlaicu, Train Vuia, Constantin Brancusi, Edith Piaf, Maria Callas, Channel, Simone de Beauvoir, Schopenhauer, Goethe or Rembrandt? We are ambassadors of a very important project [..]! – Dorothea Fleiss, International Artist, Fine Arts teachings Lecturer, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Calw, Germany, Lecturer, Art Academy Kendlimajor Ludwig, Hungary, Associate Professor, University of Harbin, China, Associate Professor, University of Oradea, Romania.


The problem with these gifted children is real and it’s clear we need to come out of inertia. Next week I will have a talk in the Commission of Cybernetics of the Romanian Academy; because I am as of today the Ambassador of these wonderful children, I will plead their cause at an academic level, to realize help from this environment [..]; I believe very much in God and the positive forces, which, at present, there are many in the academia.- Grigore Dumitru, Physicist, head of the Romanian Biospecter Team, Psychologist, Priest – Arges & Muscel Eparchy, Romanian Orthodox Church, Full member of the Commission of Cybernetics, Romanian Academy since 1999


I believe that change for the better must start from the closed ones, so that one has the motivation and energy needed to move forward regardless of obstacles. The one who inspires me in everything I do and empowers me is my son, David. Due to his early development, I realized that he needed a special education. Seeking a suitable school for him, I met the wonderful people from Centrul Gifted Education and the children whom they offer the chance to capitalize their exceptional abilities. But I know that in our country there are many such children, who deserve the same chance. Gifted children are the future engine of the country, the key to a better future. The ideal is that we pursue in establishing a dedicated education for these exceptional children, nationwide, to which they have access regardless of social origin and material possibilities. – Oana Andra, Mezzo Soprano