Leonardo Gifted School is partner or member of: ECHA - European Council for High Ability, WCGTC - World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, AERO - Alternative Education Resource Organization, BPLUSA - Big Picture Learning Design USA, University of Bucharest - Faculty of Phychology and Educational Sciences, University of Connecticut - Neag School of Education, Simon Fraser University - Faculty of Education

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Current Vacancies

Leonardo Gifted School of Bucharest seeks new colleagues. TA (Teaching Assistants) and Teachers, Secretary & Marketing are open positions.

We are a unique alternative school for highly gifted children.
Leonardo Gifted School is designed to serve the needs of highly intelligent children, from preschool through 5th grade. Our aim is to attract the most intelligent and talented youngsters all over Romania and from abroad. Our intent is to facilitate education to highly gifted children and to proudly and actively promote international understanding and high quality global education in a gifted oriented environment. We understand the education and counseling needs of gifted children and their parents.

Get in contact

We recruit real talent, who wants to have fun, play, learn, get excited, laugh and expand. If you think you want to apply and be part of our team, please send us your resume in advance at recruitment@leonardoschool.ro. If you qualify, we will contact you shortly.

International Audit

Our History

The school was audited and recommended by two reputed international Universities: CEU Business School and Johns Hopkins Carey School of Business.
Our project is internationally recommended, supported by Romanian legislation, supported by Professional Ambassadors and Excellence Ambassadors, supported by expert communities in  Germany, USA and the EU.
More than 330 gifted children already graduated our Academic Program. Altogether, after 14 years we have now over 4000 hours of expertise and direct work with gifted and we have fine tuned our abilities in relationship with our target group.
Parents started to ask for more. Right now, due to an increased interest in the program, we have decided to open Leonardo Gifted School, an alternative school dedicated exclusively to gifted, in an international setting, mindset and curriculum.
Our school will comprise in its first year a maximum of 33 children.

What makes us different

Our History

What makes us completely different

we are:
•    unique in Romania and in the region
•    we work only with gifted; we are strict
•    designed especially with gifted in mind
•    more than 24 differentiators in education, one of them being an unprecedented number – over 1000 hours – of expertise and experience of direct work with gifted children,
•    we offer an extremely important value added Enrichment with selected high profile mentors which ensures that the child can extend the knowledge and talent in the area of his passion with a person who has a romance with the subject, who has obtained highly respected status in the field and is in love with the idea of paying his knowledge forward to gifted children
•    we select children based on a multi-discipline multi-specialist approach, with a very well researched and specialized selection at International standards which includes international stadardized tests, interviews both with the child and the parents, a behavioural evaluation, etc.
•    we work with a specialized team, which includes, among other specialists, dual degree teachers, Mensa teachers, psychologists as partners in the process of education and counselling
•    we proudly announce 100% satisfaction rate among gifted kids
In our school, the application process runs year-round, with an international selection process.

Started in 2010, now in its 14th consecutive program year, Centrul Gifted Education, is a Romanian charity, the first center exclusively dedicated to gifted children in Romania. We are members of ECHA-European Council for High Ability and WCGTC– World Council for Gifted and Talented Children and partners to the University of Bucharest – Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences.
Internationally, we have been supported by the Simon Fraser University – Faculty of Education through the works of Dr. Lannie Kanevsky, and the University of Connecticut- through the support of Dr. Sally Reis and Dr. Joseph Renzulli.