Leonardo Gifted School is partner or member of: ECHA - European Council for High Ability, WCGTC - World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, AERO - Alternative Education Resource Organization, BPLUSA - Big Picture Learning Design USA, University of Bucharest - Faculty of Phychology and Educational Sciences, University of Connecticut - Neag School of Education, Simon Fraser University - Faculty of Education

✝ Ioana Maria Lupascu

✝ Ioana Maria Lupascu

Honorary Mentor in piano study

She graduated from the Conservatory “Porumbescu” in Bucharest, getting the maximum grade at the bachelor`s degree presentation (Conservatory “George Ionescu” Iasi).
In 2000, she is accepted at the “Virtuosity Level” Master program at Conservatoire du Lausanne, in Switzerland, but after a few months she moves to Italy where she becomes student of the great pianist Lazar Berman at the Accademia Europea di Musica.
She is a concert pianist – winner, finalist or laureate of numerous national and international competitions. Since 2007, she has been soloist at “Paul Constantinescu” Philharmonic from Ploiesti.
In December 2012, she is invited to perform e recital at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva for the International Day of Human Rights, followed the next day by a new performance in Paris.

Unfortunately, Ioana Maria Lupascu is no longer with us. She went into the light in 2023. We regret our incredible friend, and colleague, who worked with gifted kids. She was a great woman, with an enormous joy, full of life, with a friendly and open personality, she was a woman of personal power and inspiration. May she rest in peace!

“Ioana Maria Lupascu is a singer with great strength and fine technique, but, at the same time, with a profound interpretive sensitivity.” (Ilarion Ionescu – Galati – conductor)

“…the young pianist is a charming figure. She emanates warmth, femininity. You feel good around her! You let yourself charmed by the graceful hands. She practices a musical dramaturgy demarche: she has a loading expanding energy, passion, warm sounding and undeniable virtuosity.” (Daniela Caraman-Fotea – musicologist)