Leonardo Gifted School is partner or member of: ECHA - European Council for High Ability, WCGTC - World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, AERO - Alternative Education Resource Organization, BPLUSA - Big Picture Learning Design USA, University of Bucharest - Faculty of Phychology and Educational Sciences, University of Connecticut - Neag School of Education, Simon Fraser University - Faculty of Education

Paul Sebastian Anton

Paul Sebastian Anton

Mentoring in Kinesthetic development and Creativity

Courses :

  • Thinking through creativity
  • Developing body intelligence
  • Balancing hemispheres
  • Contact improvisation

Sebastian Paul Anton is an actor, a writer and the stage manager of the theater for children “DubeeDoo” and Teatropolis in Bucharest. He teaches many acting classes for primary school pupils in Bucharest and organizes creative thinking workshops at secondary schools.

He studied Romanian and English Languages at the Faculty of Letters, Bucharest. He attended the Sfantu-Gheorghe Folk Dance School (Covasna), and later he became a professional dancer at the “Three Chairs” in the same town.

Since 2011, he is a certified trainer and lead tens of trainings at Centrul Gifted Education, where he teaches creative thinking, body intelligence and balancing the cerebral hemispheres. Since 2000, he teaches dance and music classes, and Romanian games at kindergartens, primary schools and summer camps. Since 1999, he is a specialist in Contact Improvisation, after having participated in several international festivals of this kind in Hungary, Romania and Finland.


  • Thinking through creativity: a course based on the theory of lateral thinking of Eduard de Bono, but structured in a practical way so children be able to comprehend the concept of creative thinking through games, exercises and applications. In other words, we will understand and apply the fundamentals of lateral thinking; we will identify and eliminate creative blocks; we will cultivate creative imagination; and we will assimilate various “tricks” of the mind to increase our creativity.
  • Developing body intelligence: this course aims to develop the sense of coordination, the sense of rhythm, reaction speed, orientation in space through games, exercises and specific applications. This helps children to develop harmoniously, not only cerebral but also physical, emotional, relational. The course is designed to fill a gap growing in Western education and lifestyle, more precisely, the trend toward hyper-cerebralism, inactivity, physical and emotional numbness, even since childhood.
  • Balancing the cerebral hemispheres: the course includes games, exercises and modern applications, which allow the realization and stabilization of synapses between the two cerebral hemispheres. Children benefit from the multiple intelligences potentiation, an enhance of their native potential, because they will use for most daily activities both cerebral hemispheres and will eliminate the “conflicts” specific to the modern man, between mind and heart, between reason and imagination, logic and intuition.
  • Contact improvisation: Improvisation is a dance class, based on the concepts of Steve Paxton, who founded this “style” of dance, a modern synergy between contemporary dance and aikido. Besides dance activities, the course offers children the context for developping their body and emotional intelligence. Unlike other dance styles (modern dance company), Contact Improvisation develops spontaneity, improvisation ability, and human and environmental communication.