Leonardo Gifted School is partner or member of: ECHA - European Council for High Ability, WCGTC - World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, AERO - Alternative Education Resource Organization, BPLUSA - Big Picture Learning Design USA, University of Bucharest - Faculty of Phychology and Educational Sciences, University of Connecticut - Neag School of Education, Simon Fraser University - Faculty of Education
Courses :
Sebastian Paul Anton is an actor, a writer and the stage manager of the theater for children “DubeeDoo” and Teatropolis in Bucharest. He teaches many acting classes for primary school pupils in Bucharest and organizes creative thinking workshops at secondary schools.
He studied Romanian and English Languages at the Faculty of Letters, Bucharest. He attended the Sfantu-Gheorghe Folk Dance School (Covasna), and later he became a professional dancer at the “Three Chairs” in the same town.
Since 2011, he is a certified trainer and lead tens of trainings at Centrul Gifted Education, where he teaches creative thinking, body intelligence and balancing the cerebral hemispheres. Since 2000, he teaches dance and music classes, and Romanian games at kindergartens, primary schools and summer camps. Since 1999, he is a specialist in Contact Improvisation, after having participated in several international festivals of this kind in Hungary, Romania and Finland.