Leonardo Gifted School is partner or member of: ECHA - European Council for High Ability, WCGTC - World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, AERO - Alternative Education Resource Organization, BPLUSA - Big Picture Learning Design USA, University of Bucharest - Faculty of Phychology and Educational Sciences, University of Connecticut - Neag School of Education, Simon Fraser University - Faculty of Education
• Creative Writing and Reading
• Critical Thinking and Argumentation
• Introduction to Philosophy
• Introduction to the History of Religions
• Applied General Knowledge
• History of Games
• Applied Creativity
Mario Barangea earned a B.A in Philosophy and a M.A in Religious Studies from the University of Bucharest. He is lecturer at Calea Victoriei Foundation, where he teaches seminars and workshops on philosophy, history of religions, and cultural anthropology. In the past few years, he taught non-formal workshops to both adults and children : creative writing and reading, history of games, theory of argumentation, etc. His workshops are an invitation to recreational thinking, using simple techniques, with effects on the ability to manage innovation, to develop different talents, and broadly speaking, to use imagination.