Leonardo Gifted School is partner or member of: ECHA - European Council for High Ability, WCGTC - World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, AERO - Alternative Education Resource Organization, BPLUSA - Big Picture Learning Design USA, University of Bucharest - Faculty of Phychology and Educational Sciences, University of Connecticut - Neag School of Education, Simon Fraser University - Faculty of Education

Lucia Viorica Avasan

Lucia Avansan is an engineer and psychologist who studied the Cognitive Science and got a master degree in “Communication Techniques and Social Influence”.
Since 2010, she has been working with Centrul Gifted Education, and she is applying the Gifted test (GQ – Biospecter); she attends behavioral tests for children.    

She studied numerous domains; her passions are the Neuroscience, Quantum Mechanics and all new scientific domains that represent the sciences of the future, like Psychoneurophysiology.

She is a mentor for parents and children, for integrated knowledge and overcoming the limits and problems of the gifted ones.

She is using a holistic approach in order to solve the problems that the gifted persons are facing.

The most common themes she is working on are:

  • The gifted children can get depressed because they are perfectionists and intolerant 
  • They can be considered as being  disruptive and unadapted
  • They can be impatient and dislike routine
  • They have a strong will and they can offer resistance
  • They can ask awkward questions and show an excessive interest
  • They dislike the ambiguous and illogic domains such as outdated traditions
  • They worry about the human being problems
  • They create rules too complicated and usually considered as too authoritative
  • If they get bored at school with their classmates of the same age, they can become manipulative for their own interest and amusement
  • They neglect their own obligations and people during their focusing periods, they don’t like being interrupted and they can become even stubborn
  • They don’t like being criticized and rejected by others
  • They are frustrated because of the lack of activity and they can be sees as hyperactive
  • They can be nonconformists, rejecting their parents and those their age
  • They can be scatterbrains, disorganized and frustrated by the lack of time
  • They have a strong sense of humor which they use to drag attention and become „clowns”

    Lucia Avansan is using multiple methods, tailored to each person’s needs, and the ultimate goal is to harmoniously integrate the individual resources in the social context and develop them efficiently.

    She is considering that working with emotions and learning to enter the coherent stage are very important steps to quickly regain a well-being, balanced and calm state. She also considers that any help given for a harmonious development and integration is a means for personal and social growth.

Lucia Viorica Avasan

Mentoring in the Development and Integration of Multiple Intelligences

“Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom. All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual.”—Albert Einstein