Leonardo Gifted School is partner or member of: ECHA - European Council for High Ability, WCGTC - World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, AERO - Alternative Education Resource Organization, BPLUSA - Big Picture Learning Design USA, University of Bucharest - Faculty of Phychology and Educational Sciences, University of Connecticut - Neag School of Education, Simon Fraser University - Faculty of Education

Alexandru Bordea

Alexandru Bordea

Alexandru Bordea

Mentorship in Rapid Learning, Speed Reading and Acceleration

Alexander Bordea is a trainer and president of InfoSpeed (Romania), acting in the Education Management field for more than 17 years. The Infospeed Association supports courses for corporations and schools in Romania, specializing in reading and rapid learning, crativity, also memorising and learning strategies. Alexandru Bordea has been offering trainings in the last 14 years in Reading and Rapid Learning and supported thousands of adults and children to learn faster and easier for exams, for school or research projects.
Alexandru Bordea specializes in effective teaching methods as a disciple of two great professors, Radu Florian Budei from Iasi and Florian Colceag. The first is a powerful inventor with over 100 patented inventions and the second specializes in training Mathematics Olympics and supports the development of gifted children.

I learned from my mentors, professor Budei and professor Colceag, that the best thing you can do is to help people to be more successful in what they do because that improves their lives.

In his trainings, Alexandru Bordea is using a speed-reading device, the invention of Radu Budei, who was awarded the silver medal at the International Exhibition “Inventions” in Geneva and a gold medal at the “Inventica” Exhibition in Iasi in 2000. The improved results in reading can range in a performance raising from the 150 words per minute to 1000 words per minute. He has been teaching parents and gifted children starting with 2010, with great results.